
Having an issue?

If you are experiencing bugs or issues when using the MagicSea protocol, try these easy steps first:

Internet Browser / Device

  • Clear your internet browser cache and refresh the app/webpage.

  • Restart your internet browser and/or device.

  • Update your internet browser and/or device.

  • Try again in incognito mode.

If these steps don't resolve the problem, try these additional product-specific steps below.

Connection / Wallet

  • Retry your transaction with higher gas fees.

  • Disconnect and reconnect your wallet.

  • Update your wallet.

  • Uninstall and reinstall your wallet. (Make sure you know your seed phrase first!)

Need Further Assistance?

General user support for MagicSea is available through our fantastic admins and community moderators on the official MagicSea Discord Server and Telegram Channel!

For the best and fastest response, we recommend to open a #πŸ†˜-ticket or using the #🚨-support channel on our Discord Server.

If you choose to reach out via one of our social media channels, be aware that our team members, admins and moderators will NEVER contact you asking for personal information or for funds! Our team members, admins and moderators will NEVER DM you first!

Never under any circumstances, give someone your private key/seed phrase/recovery key!

Last updated